
UCAC4 Catalogue

The UCAC4 Stellar Catalog is a catalogue of 113,780,093 stars covering the entire sky from -90 to +90 degrees in declination, down to about magnitude 16.5 or so. More information can be found here.

The AstroPlanner version of this catalogue consists of two files (North and South), a total of 3.2GB in size, and contains the RA/Dec, Magnitude, and Proper Motion (where applicable) for each star. To keep the size of this catalogue to a reasonable level and to make it available on a Flash Drive, other information has been omitted. The included information is unchanged from the original.

Since AstroPlanner is currently limited to catalogue files of size less than 2GB, the catalogue has been broken into two files, UCAC4 North containing all stars with positive declinations, and UCAC4 South containing all stars with negative declinations.


  1. The catalogue is supplied on a Flash Drive, in compressed form. It is not usable directly from the Flash Drive, and requires 3.2GB of hard disk space for (a complete) installation.
  2. In theory, the catalogue (or parts thereof) could be burned onto a DVD-ROM and used directly from there, but access would be extremely slow.
  3. The catalogue is in a format only understandable by AstroPlanner, and cannot be used by other applications that might be able to use the original UCAC4 catalogue (on a double-sided DVD-ROM).

Screen shots

UCAC4 Info

Above: Info for UCAC3 (South) catalogue

UCAC4 chart

Above: A 0.5° field of view around M11, showing magnitudes down to +16.5