
Feature Requests

Below is the current list of feature requests (back to c. 2009). Most recent first. Click on an entry to show more detail.

Some of these might move to the "planned feature" list in the future. That list is not publicly visible at present.

7909Dreyer translation
7902Importing observations where resources are comma-separated
7877Planetarium Application
7860Allow for finer control over resetting preferences
7859Download images - ability to select DSS or other sources
7858Mark objects as "reobserve"
7826Customise observations list
7801Add alignment stars to plan
7798Object distance from the Sun
7796Image processing note taking
7792UCAC3 Catalog request
7777Allow Relative Rules Around the Current Date in the Plan
7753Option for Date and Time to Follow the Current Plan
7744Stellarium support for API
7739Options in STVI and/or LTVI widgets fix to Transit Date/Time
7732Save Different Column Settings (not just the default)
7722Asteroid opposition dates
7711Object Az./Alt. at time of observation
7656Implement export to Nexus DSC CSV file
7651Object sequence in constellation image in Objects tab
7639Spectroscopy/Photometry support
7637Add ability to attach folders to observations
7626Objects tab with selected object does not display FOV setup in FOV tab.
7623Parallel/overlapping sessions
7621Countdown timers
7618Addition to Sun/Twilight or Date/time widgets information: "Dark time remaining"
7617FoV mouse over object - include catalog in information displayed
7603Separate folder for Backup copies
7601Request for Observation End Times
7584Dark Mode
7579FOV should be shown on image in objects tab
7573Object List Images To Show FOV Settings
7568Display Name / ID of currently selected object/s
7549Add ability to exchange synonym rules
7526External Control of CDS Aladin
7523Support for DSS2 Color images
7482Observation Database - Edit Observation Dialog
7476Download Images...
7433Keyboard arrow buttons - use in the FoV tab
7426Position of Constellation sub-chart in FoV
7413Download images to fill the field of view
7389Dragging an object in the FoV tab to change its R.A./Dec.
7388List of available images in Objects tab
7385Fixed first column in Objects view
7368Changing the time of a logged observation in the observation database #2
7366Show Plan Objects - [select] constellation
7362Angle and distance indication when moving the FoV
7347Object list columns displayed in Observations tab vs. Objects tab
7345Editing multiple observations - key combination for 'Next' button
7343Object list in the FoV tab?
7339Observation database - observations logged for specific objects before selected session
7335Import observations based on FITS image files
7334Improve workflow for planning rotated guiding
7329Constellation image export options
7316Lookup synonyms by means of Cmd+Shift+M from within the FoV tab
7315Ability to manually sort resources
7314Addition to presets of Field Diameter list
7313Change to observation when R.A./Dec. is altered in the planfile
7305Sun at -15 degrees elevation time preset
7263Adding an observation from the FoV tab
7259Add user defined moments (conditions) to time presets
7258File --> Open --> Favorite planfiles
7257Close all planfiles at once
7256Tickbox's instead of a list for image download sizes
7228Highlighting Rules Relative from Plan Date
7220Downloading images - Start download vs. Hide Controls
7216Data displayed when mousing over an object
7215A "default button"
7184Labelling and ordering object associations
7178Data displayed in the calendar
7159Allow Editing Multiple User-Defined Fields in Multiple Objects
7135RTML V3 plan export
7123Calendar user event alerts
7092Request for new script variable to show Set time of Object at USER horizon
7050Rotating the Location Chart in the Observation database
7035Hiding sidebars
7021Ability to look up objects in the GAIA catalog
6916Magnitude labels for Finder scope charts
6901Progress bar opening plan documents
6892Export Nexus DSC catalogues
6881Import FITS image to create observation
6871Delta elevation for transit in observation database
6851Revive user-defined field scripting feature
6849Custom highlighting hogging resources?
6848Add all objects displayed in FoV, from a specific catalog, to planfile.
6846Checkboxes as a user selectable column in the Objects tab
6845More "Transit" columns in the Objects tab
6841Import SkySafari 6 Observations
6838Two feature requests for editing observations from with the observation database
6827"Find and replace" in Object tab - keep window op
6803Toggle images in FoV tab
6802An addition to the Fix Date menu
6800Custom field diameter in minutes and seconds of arc
6795Distance of object data
6792FoV in Cartes du Ciel
6758Feature Request: One-Way Synonyms Associated in Object Lists
6757One-Way Synonyms Indented in Object List
6745Question on Telescope control
6728Color of line selected
6727Setting site, date and time to match observation
6712Export autoguider angles
6709export to Stellarium bookmark
6603Please add support for Sky Safari as an external program for maps.
6554Other iOptron mounts
6509Object magnitudes
6465Object-type specific user-defined fields.
6449Printing observation lists
6445Multiple plan templates
6372IAU Catalogue of Star Names
6362Lost data
6294Support OSX Mojave Dark Mode
6222Openastronomy log
6194Base observations logged solely on ID
6191Export images
6153Collapse associated objects
6140Objects Tab - URL Column
6073Allow for arbitrary fields in catalogues
6072Allow catalogue files > 2GB
6064Bug/Feature Request attachments
6062Sky chart zoom and pan
6050Save/Load plan object list configurations
6039Observation session attachments
6032Plan organizer
6031Add PanSTARRS image support
6030Support zoom eyepieces
5998Observations tab - Resource combinations: Rating
5931Direct computer control for Orion Starblast table top mount
5915Visibility of objects
5914Increase horizontal size of visibility indicators
5893Minimum Slew Sort
5890Allow multiple DVD-ROM/Flash Drive catalogues
5889Observability Index
5860Ability to use variations of current time for the Offset in Sort Objects
5853Horizontal lines in Horizon Editing Dialog
5809image size
5787Have a venus phase like the moon info and phase.
5754eclipses' accessability
5709Auto select printing template selected from the task drop down menu
5707Always display labels for objects in plan, regardless of catalog selection
5646Default display of user images
5644Bluetooth to Serial Adaptor telescope Control
5630Script: Read FITS file and add image as User Image
5619Include hand written notes and sketches in the observation database (by scanning them)
5579Visible only option
5576Script updates
5566Combining objects that are synonyms
5565Selecting image source for the FoV
5564Modifying catalogue object column
5545Proper motion in FoV
5527FoV Tab: Image orientation default(s) for selected telescope
5516Resources update
5475Filter Selected Objects
5474French version
5457Tabbed Plans
5445Add Jovian Shadow calculation to Jovian Moons diorama
5442Let me save plans more often
5423Ability to filter list of objects
5419Phase Angle column for asteroids
5418Labeling of multiple star components
5404TRaslata to spanish
5397AP - Local Weather
5389Refreshing Objects in a Plan
5354German Language
5352No ASA Support
5346Use www.calsky.com for clear sky chart
5339Name Column Limit
5330Windows Plan Management
5324Be able to use iEQ30 mount (iOptron) with Mac AstroPlanner and WiFi.
5321White Background in Night Mode
5315RA Sort - Split at Sun
5313The save button isn't always highlighted
5305Version 2.1, home position?
5304Objects Window Text Help Balloons
5303Catalogues should be sortable by field
5300customising a popup-menu in Object Tab
5274Sky Tab
5273File>Page Setup, File>Print, Edit>Preferences/Printing tab
5272Print Preview and Page Setup
5270Allow images and other files in the journal
5263Eliminate Duplicates/ Look Up Synonyms
5260Direct link to Simbad catalogue
5259Do away with the session end checkbox
5251Keep track of RA/Dec coordinate epoch for entered or imported objects
5225Blinking telescope cross-hair cursor
5214Guide 9 planetarium support
5205Orion XT12G Goto
5195Blinkng cross-hair for where telescope is pointing
5189Best Time Column
5180Observation database
5167List Sky-Watcher mounts separately
5165Best Eyepiece
5146Save plans if more things change
5145Blank line in between objects in list
5131Allow user defined fields in export ascii files
5053Scripting: Add import/export feature
5051Scripting: Plan Creation Wizard support
5027Implement the Threshold Method for DSO visibility
5021Better Night Mode on a Mac
5014Allow FoV to be displayed with Planning Document
5009FoV in the Objects plan tab
4955Adding previously-observed objects to a plan
4914Feature Requests
4895Visibility Indicator
4870Don't alter column widths when changing columns
4857auto-save observation log
4856Adding observations on the fly
4854Exporting Observations in OAL format
4837Add scale indicator to downloaded images
4820Adding time before/after transit to Alt/Az indicators
4805Alt/Az indicator
4720When printing multiple object charts - sky view corrupted
4708Losmandy G11 Mount support
4703Getting AP to 'play nice' with ASCOM
4682MOON watching planning
4681Planning observing mission - material and task check list
4631Astroplanner needs a planning function
4626Game pad / Joystick for manual slew
4600User field values that are global w.r.t. object
4562Increase size of the FoV chart
4559Hours above horizon
4552WDS Utility
4534Ability to download solar images
4530Global custom highlighlighting rules
4475Dynamic URL user-defined fields
4459Updates and extentions
4439Slew limits also in visibility indicators
4423Select images to cover FOV
4422Checkbox per object
4421Use up/dn arrow keys to scroll Sky view of objects list
4417Save set date/time with planner file?
4407Printing a map of objects
4402Make plan of objects for specific time and date
4399Update object's RA/Dec
4398Alert Again: V1 to V2 Converter.EXE Processes Disabled
4390Observation database session export - mass exporting of individual sessions
4376Observation Database "right-click-session" export options
4375Previously implement enhancement(?): Observation date & time default selection
4283nexremote support
4246Moon map
4219Add B-Box mount support
4210Entering a new observation: Highlighted item in Observation Date/Time window
4195Darkest Transit Date/Time
4194Double clicking (?) on Transit Date sets to that date/time
4187Would like ability to change text size in a displayed plan.
4181Monthly calendar
4173JSON import
4154New Object: NED in addition to SIMBAD
4127Tracking an object with the telescope
4093FoV chart rendering abort
4076Non-planfile object(s) color(s)
4074Print image
4055Adding name to object
4025enhancement of Print Finder Chart script
4008Change Minor Planet import dialog
4005Highlight deprecated catalogues
3979Ability to specify zoom eyepieces
3942Image database path
3935File reload
3924Support the NOMAD Short catalogue on hard disk or DVD-ROM
3913Save images in FITS format
3887Calculated value field in Observing Session Data
3861(optional) reverse of displayed items
3859Deleting duplicate images from database
3857Search Catalogue/s
3845Planetarium app interface
3834User-Defined Fields include mathematical expressions using other fields
3789Horizon line in the PCW
3776Enhancement request -- filters resources
3748Right click: "Show in another window" issue
3667Download a DSS image with option to save (or not)
3554Printing Sessions/Observations selections are not maintained
3525Save/RestoreValue check
3523Preserve error information for prefix/lib files
3507Prefix script shortcuts/softlinks
3504Timed backups
3503'Build' save option
3445Verify telescope home position
3395Catalogue annotations
3394User fields and width widgets
3309Observation database settings
3053Assign Eyepieces to Specific Scopes
3003Create a User Catalogue to cross reference Imported Plans to AP Catalogues
2469Complete AAVSO functionality
2000Add web page for downloading user-contributed plans